Ready to commit to your success?

Want to learn from others who have proven successes, are keen to share their knowledge and who want you to succeed, grow your career and build authentic connections?
Our Mentorship Program is designed to leverage the knowledge of professionals with proven success to help mentees pivot, build and thrive fast

What's In It For You?

With our mentorship program, you would be able to:
Learn from the real-life experiences of successful career people.
Gain perspective and confidence to thrive in your career now and in future.
Expand your circle of influence, and build relevant and authentic connections to grow your career.

Mentorship FAQ

Mentoring is fundamentally about personal growth and fostering connections. As a mentor, it’s not necessary to have all the answers to a mentee’s questions from the start. You do not need to be older, more educated, smarter, or more experienced than a mentee. Hearing about your experience can be invaluable to a new career changer.
You can become a mentor if: 

-You are passionate about sharing your knowledge and contacts with others

-You have worked for at least two years in your field

– You can commit 18 hours of your time over three months

Mentors are expected to:

-Provide details on their professional background and information needed for program delivery and matching purposes

-Work with their mentee to determine objectives and set goals related to job search, networking, professional development, etc.

The time commitment is 18 hours over three months. This works out as 6 hours per month. The mentor and mentee can decide on a schedule that suits their goals and availability. An average schedule is a 90 minute weekly session.

Matches between mentors and mentees are made based on both participants’ occupation. We will select a match for you based on the information about your profession that you have provided. If you’re not sure the match is appropriate, please send an email to

We always try to match you with someone who has as similar professional experience to you as possible. If you feel your suggested mentor/mentee’s occupation and industry is not close enough to yours you can send an email to to clear things up before meeting them.

Absolutely! However, a mentor can not put in more than 36 hours between two mentees concurrently.
This is to allow the mentor to focus during the three month period.

You and your mentor/mentee should decide where to meet together. You could meet at your office, a coffee shop or somewhere else that’s convenient for both of you if you live in the same area. However, all in person meetings should take place in a public place and not in a mentor or mentee’s home.
Virtual meetings are greatly advised but not compulsory. You and your mentor/mentee can use zoom, zoho meeting, Google meet etc for your meetings.

Throughout the mentoring process, you should be speaking to your mentor/mentee about your shared progress in fulfilling the goals you set at the beginning of the relationship. 

Understandably, not all relationships are perfect. If you are in a situation where you would like guidance or are experiencing conflict with your mentor/mentee, please inform us by sending an email to

Likewise, if a mentor feels that a mentee is not completely “job- ready”, reach out via We may be able to provide referrals to additional training or resources to help them.

Please send an email to with subject line “Mentorship” and we’ll be happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

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    Career stage:

    Current position

    Please provide a brief description of your position

    Please select from the list below the areas you would like to be mentored:

    What outcome do you expect from this mentoring experience

    Are there any other issues or challenges which you would like to address with your mentor? e.g working in a male dominated field etc

    What are your career goals and objectives?

    Why do you want to be a mentee? What do you hope to achieve from it?

    Please indicate how you would prefer to meet with your mentor:

    What meeting schedule can you commit to - (Actual meeting schedule will be agreed between mentor and mentee)?

    Have you been a mentor or mentee in the past?

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