General FAQ

Yes we do. Click here (insert mentorship page URL here) to become a mentor or find a mentor.

You’ll find our free articles very helpful in your career transition journey. Click here to start reading 
However, if you want to transition fast, get direct access to our mentors and premium resources, you have to explore our mentorship opportunity, take advantage of our affordable courses, masterclasses and periodic workshops.

We are excited in advance! Click here  to learn all about how you can support us as we promote ethnic diversity in the tech industry and help non-techies transition into tech starting from where they are.

Absolutely! Over the years, we have clients and mentees who have worked with us to build their portfolio and valuable experience. We trust that you’ll find their skills useful and are excited to share this opportunity with them at no cost to you.
However, if you’d like us to interview and recruit our talents for you, we will charge a small fee.
Click here to learn more about our talents and share information about your opportunity. We’ll reach out to you within 48 business hours with more information.

We do not have any in-person events for now. To attend our live virtual events, click here to see our upcoming workshops.

Contact us here and we’ll be happy to answer them for you.

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