Welcome to Your Career Today!

We help self-motivated, high-achieving people from ethnically diverse backgrounds learn, pivot, and build fulfilling careers in tech, starting from where they are.


Our Story

We know what it feels like to know you are meant for more, to go through the motions every day without finding fulfillment in the work you do.
We know because that used to be our story. We felt stuck in familiar yet unrewarding careers that put a ceiling on our dreams.

“It’s worth remembering that for any change to happen in your life, you must be wrong about something. If you’re sitting there, miserable day after day, then that means you’re already wrong about something major in your life, and until you’re able to question yourself to find it, nothing will change.” – Mark Manson

We were miserable, and we knew it.
Thankfully, we didn’t try to mask that misery or persist through it. That unfulfilled feeling was a sign that something needed to change.We are thankful that we recognized that feeling and named it because not everyone gets it.
There were plenty of talented people in our exact same situation who felt perfectly content. Maybe they didn’t realize their strengths weren’t being put to good use. Maybe it hadn’t registered to them that they were putting their dreams on hold. And maybe they will only realize all this once it is too late.
We needed a place to connect, network, learn, and get inspired by people who had walked the path we were trying to get onto.

As people from ethnic minority backgrounds, there weren’t many people who looked like us to reach out to for help over 10 years ago, so we could only get in with trial and error, hard work, and learning from our mistakes. We took the longer and harder route and are giving you the opportunity to shorten your career transition curve. That’s why we created Your Career Today. So if you’ve ever wondered – how can I get into tech without getting my fingers burnt and thrive? Then you’re in the right place.

We created this space online to help people like you, who are done playing small, pivot towards something much, much better for themselves. Something where you are not just settling, just surviving, but rather thriving.

Our Mission!

  • To help people from ethnically diverse backgrounds figure out their next step, LEARN NEW SKILLS and PIVOT into fulfilling careers in tech even if they have no tech background
  • To help people already in tech careers with the clarity and strategies they need to BUILD their careers and grow faster
  • To help people THRIVE in their chosen career paths and confidently make future career decisions without our guidance.
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